Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Simply a Smorgasbord

John Spencer has created some video writing prompts.  You can give students choice when writing but also give support to those who struggle to come up with ideas.
I added the prompts to a slideshow. Share the slideshow with your students in Google Classroom by adding an assignment and choosing “make a copy for each student” or make QR codes for the YouTube videos and have students respond in Seesaw or another writing app.
If you find them helpful, give John a "thumbs up" and a positive comment. You can subscribe to John's YouTube Channel here.

Storybird is a fun, interactive digital tool that is great to use for creative assessment. Create a class and add your students. Here’s a review and here’s an amusing example.

iCivics is a website that offers games, activities, and lesson plans for teaching government and other civics topics.

No Nonsense Grammar- “Explore a range of commonly taught grammar principles for elementary and middle schoolers with these short, fun videos and activities.” ~From the website

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