Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Mind Maps

 Mind Maps

WHY Use Mind Maps: 
Generate discussion
Organize thoughts
Create connections 
Encourage creativity and ownership
Visualize information when studying or debriefing

WHAT are Mind Maps:
A mind map is a diagram that is used to visually outline information. You can think of a mind map as a large brainstorming web, where a central word or idea branches out into related subjects. As ideas are fleshed out and connect to one another, you can see how concepts tie together to get a better understanding of the content.  

Digital Mind Mapping Tools:

Using Google Suite products allows for easy saving and collaboration. Here is a template and an article by Matt Miller that explains how to use Google Slides for mind mapping. Teachers could share the template through Google Classroom and each student would have their own copy to use throughout a lesson/unit. Students could also create a mind map in Google Docs, Google Drawings, or Jamboard.

Smart NotebookSeesaw, Pic Collage (iPad app), Educreations, and Padlet are other digital tools that could be used.  Mind mapping PD Challenge. 

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